PrePaidCall – Your alternative for 0900

Telephone services billed via

Chargeable telephone services, such as IT support, legal or life counselling and entertainment services, were previously mostly handled via classic 0900 numbers. As a result of the TKG amendment, both the billing procedure and the pricing model with fixed number ranges were revised as of 1 December 2024. As a result, however, the payout in relation to the end customer price has been significantly reduced, making some business models no longer viable. In addition, block tariffs (price per call) can no longer be billed.

Our PreiPaidCall solution is the right alternative for providers and customers alike. All with free tariffing options, more flexibility, greater convenience and worldwide availability. Users simply register with their email address, top up their credit using their preferred payment method and can use the service immediately afterwards. Integration is straightforward and use is self-explanatory via a link on your website.

The credit is topped up in three easy steps:

1. Click on top-up credit

Top up your credit here

Top up your credit here

2. Select amount, enter email address and confirm terms and conditions

Purchase phone credit
Buy phone credit now to call your call partner. You will receive a PIN code with credit that you can use immediately.

3. Select payment method and complete payment process

Only 1 more step to your dialogue partner

John Doe

Telephone costs: 1,99 Euro/Min.

Selected credit: 29 €
Your e-mail address:
Please choose a payment method




Cash to Code



EPS Online


Voucher code

The payment process is simple, understandable and self-explanatory. The credit can then be topped up immediately.



