Service numbers Germany

Geo + 032


Service number

Local telephone numbers or geo numbers are not only suitable for regional services, but can also be used nationwide and can be reached internationally. Geo numbers look like normal local network numbers and are the simplest and cheapest way to use all the advantages of a classic service number. For those who do not want to indicate a local network reference or cannot show a company headquarters in the respective area code, there is the possibility to have a location-independent number from the area code 032 set up.


If you want to apply for a geo number, the procedure is as follows.

After we have received your request, the following questions must be answered in order to prepare an offer:

  • Which service do you want to offer with the local number?
  • From which local network (with which area code) should the number be?
  • Is there a corresponding proof of location?
  • Where should the number be routed to?
  • What is the expected monthly volume?
  • Do you need additional features or web tools?

For the sake of simplicity, these points should be discussed over the phone after receiving your request, and any questions you may have could be answered directly. Of course you can also provide us with the information in the message field of the offer form. Click on the following link to receive an offer from Corazón.

As soon as all the details mentioned in section 1 have been clarified, you will receive an offer from us and then you can order the number immediately. The following documents and information are necessary for this:
  • Signed offer with all pages scanned
  • Completely filled out customer master data sheet
  • Extract from the commercial register (for partnerships or corporations)
  • For sole proprietorship, business registration, chamber registration or registration as merchant as well as identity card or passport (front and back scanned, not photographed)
  • VAT identification number
  • Specification of the destination number or a routing plan

FAQ GEO service numbers

Geo numbers (or local numbers) are service numbers which look like normal fixed network telephone numbers, but which are configured virtually in the network and routed to a physical destination number. Thus, all functions and advantages of a service number can be used. The requirement for use is a local network subscription from the provider.
032 numbers are geo numbers which are not assigned to a specific local network (in Germany there is no area code or local network 032) and therefore these numbers can be used without a local area code.
This means that you will only receive geo numbers from the area code in which your residence or company headquarters is located. Secondary residences, branches or branch offices are of course also possible. Proof of local network access must be provided in the form of suitable documents (ID card, CR or chamber excerpt, business registration, etc.).
The numbers can be reached worldwide (outside Germany with “0049” and without the following “0”) from all fixed and mobile networks and are therefore the service numbers with the largest range.
The telephone numbers are provided directly by the network operator. You do not have to take care of this yourself.
For geo numbers from local networks that are already in the pool, the setup usually takes only two to four working days. The number pool includes all major cities and towns. For smaller area codes, the number block must first be ordered from BnetzA, which usually takes 8-10 weeks. However, alternative numbers can be switched temporarily.
Depending on where the number is called from ( fixed line or mobile), the charges (price per minute) are based on the agreed contract with the respective network operator. With flat rates, calls to geo numbers or even 032 numbers are usually free of charge.
The costs for the supplier depend on the agreement with the respective network operator or provider where the number is registered. The costs consists out of connection and termination costs. For the connection price it does not matter where the call comes from (fixed or mobile network), but for the termination price it is important where the number is routed to (target number in fixed or mobile network, national or international, VoIP routing). You will receive a corresponding offer from CORAZÒN.
The connection costs and any other fees are always invoiced monthly for the previous month.
The geo number is set up directly with the network operator and routed to the destination of your choice. The destination can be a fixed network or mobile phone number. Routing via VoIP is also possible.





