Mobile billing
single payment or abo
You can easily pay with your mobile phone and the billing is done directly via your mobile phone bill. Single payments can be up to 30 euros, and subscription models with weekly or monthly recurring payments are also possible.
The procedure is very straightforward: after a user has decided to pay by mobile phone on your website, all that is required is to enter the mobile phone number (in the mobile network, this step of entering the number is not necessary). A TAN number is then sent by SMS for verification. The TAN must be entered on the website. This completes the payment process and the user receives the product or the corresponding content.
mobile number
transaction successfully
Pay By phone
From fixed and mobile networks
Pay By SMS
Pay per mobile phone
Pay By SMS or Premium SMS is a very easy way to bill and pay for digital content or even votings, competitions and chat services. It is used via SMS to a five-digit mobile short code number (shortcode) and is usually accessible from all mobile networks. There are two ways to use these short codes.
Service numbers
Premium rate service numbers or 0900 numbers offer the possibility of billing services provided over the telephone directly via pay numbers. The caller does not have to register in advance, remains anonymous and the billing is automatically done via the telephone bill.
We provide premium rate numbers in over 25 countries.
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