Service numbers


Symbol - Servicenummern

Web Statistic

Symbol - Servicenummern

Web Routing

Symbol - Servicenummern

Web Control Media

Symbol - Servicenummern

IVR System

Symbol - Servicenummern

Holding queue

Symbol - Servicenummern

Peak Control

Symbol - Servicenummern

Web Statistic

With Web Statistics you have online access to statistics and reports of your service numbers and mobile services. You can easily and conveniently analyze caller behavior and monitor the quality of your service numbers.

Overview services:

Online tools and IVR for service numbers
Online tools and IVR for service numbers
Symbol - Servicenummern

Web Routing

With Web Routing you can guarantee your customers the highest level of accessibility and make optimum use of your capacities. Using the powerful and user-friendly web tool, you can change your call routing yourself at any time. Our experienced team of developers will be happy to assist you with customized and complex solutions.

Overview services:

Symbol - Servicenummern

Web Control Media

Web Control Media is a specially programmed statistic for media businesses such as lotteries, votings, etc. It offers the possibility to track and evaluate activities in real time. Advertising campaigns can also be adjusted and controlled promptly with Web Control Media. These special statistics are available on request.

Overview services:

Online tools and IVR for service numbers
Online tools and IVR for service numbers
Symbol - Servicenummern

IVR System

IVR (Interactive Voice Response) is a speech dialog system that can be used to map simple messages up to highly complex automated dialogues. IVR services can be made available to many callers simultaneously. This reduces the workload of service hotlines, as intelligent pre-qualification can be carried out. IVR services can be fully or partially automated. Usual areas of application are: Telephone banking, time schedule information, flight reservation systems, retrieval of stock market prices or sports results, teleshopping, tele-voting, sale of event tickets as well as various types of integration in service telephony offers.

Overview services:

Symbol - Servicenummern

Holding queue

According to the law, a holding queue is the period of time within a dialogue in which the caller's request is not being processed. Since 2013, a newly enacted law stipulates that these waiting queues must be free of charge. This also applies to subsequent holding periods within a call, regardless of whether it is a personal or automated customer dialogue. We offer numerous possible solutions to comply with this regulation.

Overview services:

Online tools and IVR for service numbers
Online tools and IVR for service numbers
Symbol - Servicenummern

Peak Control

Peak Control is an intelligent call management system. This allows call-backs at peak times of a call center or service provider to be offered, which are then carried out at times with fewer calls. PeakControl can be set up quickly and easily and can also be integrated into your existing systems if required. No additional hardware is required.

Overview services:

