Digital telephone patient service

Intelligent call assistant with automated transcription

The German Publishing House for Health Information (DVFGI) has been offering comprehensive information on health issues and optimal support in the search for the right specialist on its online portal Leading Medicine Guide for over 15 years. Here you can find the right specialist for the respective complaints and illnesses online, without great effort and above all free of charge, and contact the practice or clinic directly.

“Patient well-being is our top priority. We achieve this through information, transparency, our careful selection of highly qualified specialists and competent partners for the implementation and refinement of our services.” (Richard M. Schneider – Managing Director DVFGI)

The solution

The DVFGI has been using local service numbers from Corazon for many years to contact specialists by telephone. A new IVR service with a selection menu, automated Speech2Text transcription and subsequent email dispatch has now been developed to further optimise accessibility and reduce the workload of staff in doctors’ surgeries and clinics.

This means that all patient calls can be handled simply and easily with 100% availability, even at peak times, in busy periods or outside normal surgery hours. The patient has the option of leaving their personal request as a message, which is then automatically sent to the selected practice or clinic as a transcribed text or audio file by email.

This gives the staff responsible the opportunity to respond at the right time to the patient’s concerns, which are sent directly as text messages. No time-consuming listening to the voice messages is required. This significantly reduces the workload and at the same time increases the efficiency of the personnel resources used, ultimately saving costs.

The conclusion

“The digital call assistant from Corazon ” – continues Richard M. Schneider – “is a customised telephony solution developed according to our specifications and for our purposes, which on the one hand contributes to a high level of patient satisfaction and on the other hand leads to a significant reduction in the workload of employees and an improvement in processes in medical practices and clinics.”





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