Professional applications

IP Business Data connection

For modern business communication such as making telephone calls via the internet protocol, you need a compatible business internet connection. Currently, the following common standard variants of internet connections are available on the market:
Internet connection Speed
ADSL – 16.000
up to 16 / 1 Mbits
ADSL – 16.000 plus
up to 16 / 3 Mbits
VDSL – 16.000
up to 16 / 5 Mbits
VDSL – 25.000
up to 25 / 5 Mbits
VDSL – 50.000
up to 50 / 10 Mbits
VDSL – 100.000
up to 100 / 10 Mbits
SDSL – 4.000
up to 4 / 4 Mbits
SDSL – 10.000
up to 10 / 10 Mbits
SDSL – 20.000
up to 20 / 20 Mbits
Because of the wide range of business data connections available, we would be happy to advise you on the selection of a suitable connection for your IP telephony solution. Please do not hesitate to contact us directly, we will process every inquiry personally and directly.



