Europeanwide service support for discount retail goods in 26 countries

An international trading partner for technical consumer products organises its Europe-wide product support for its discount distribution partners using our international geographical or freephone service numbers.

Combined solution from

Icon - Corazón

Service numbers

Icon - Applikationen

Cloud PBX

Icon - Servicenummern

Online tools

The customer uses CORAZÓN’s cloudbased ACD-PBX telephone solution for its own multilingual service center. This is used to pre-qualify and distribute incoming calls and to handle outgoing calls. External multi-channel service centers used for support are integrated seamlessly into the call flows.

The modular architecture based on the cloudbased ACD-PBX telephone solution AND cloud-based service solutions/modules can be flexibly adapted and scaled to new products and trade cooperations as well as seasonal sales patterns.

The latest innovations and trends - blog from CORAZÓN

26 countries: DE, AT, CH, BA, BE, CY, CZ. DK. ES, FI, FR, GR, HR, HU, IE, IT, LT, LU, NL, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK

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