SMS to speed dial numbers
Payed per mobile phone
Premium SMS is a easy way to bill and pay for digital content or even votings, games or chat services. It is used via SMS to a five-digit mobile short code number and is usually accessible from all mobile networks. There are two ways to use these short codes:
Premium SMS
If you have your own exclusive short code, you will always receive all SMS sent to this five-digit short code. Regardless of whether the user spells the keyword correctly or not. The number can also be used for different services. Advantages:
- No failure rate due to mistyping
- Higher payout per SMS
- Higher set-up costs and basic fees
- more complex installation and authorisation procedures
- Autonomous and flexible use of the number
- Ideal for large SMS volumes as from 10,000 SMS/month
Premium SMS
Several operators share a short code, i.e. you rent a keyword, e.g. “CORAZON” on a shared premium number. This gives you the opportunity to offer and use premium SMS as a billing method without having to pay the full costs for your own shortcode. Advantages:
- Lower set-up costs and basic fees
- Faster provision of the number or keyword
- Typos are misdirected
- Lower payout per SMS
- Optimal as an entry-level solution
- Ideal for small and medium SMS volumes from 1,000 SMS/month
- Setup and activation of the exclusive short code
- Setup and activation of keywords on mobile speed dial numbers
- Forwarding of incoming SMS messages to desired destinations, e.g. via http or as e-mail for further processing
- Sending SMS or content according to your preferences
- Provision of comprehensive evaluations and statistics
- Short and memorable five-digit speed dial number
- Fast and anonymous billing option
- Addressable from all mobile devices via SMS
- Large incoming and outgoing SMS volumes possible
- Reachability of the shortcodes by telephone additionally possible
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